Appearing as a Delegation

Appearing as a Delegation

All delegations requesting permission to appear before the Board or its Committees are required to submit a written request including the presentation topic, an executive summary, and the specific action being requested of the Board or Committee.

Meetings of the Regional District are held electronically and are webcast using live streaming video technology and recorded for video-on-demand access for subsequent viewing. Delegations have the option to attend in-person or virtually for most meetings. 

  • Electoral Area Services Committee Meetings are generally held on the first Thursday of the month at 1 p.m.
  • Regular Board Meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 1 p.m.

In order to appear as a delegation before the Board or one of the RDN Committees, please click on the Request to Appear as Delegation link below and fill out the electronic form. Remember to click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.

Each delegation will be provided up to five (5) minutes to make a presentation unless otherwise determined by the Chair. Additional time will be allowed for members of the Board or Committee to ask questions of the delegation.

Requests to appear as a delegation on an agenda item must be received no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

Requests to appear as a delegation for an item not on the agenda must be received at least seven (7) working days prior to the scheduled meeting. A maximum of three (3) delegations are permitted per meeting regarding items not on the agenda.

Delegations speaking to items on the agenda will be placed at the item on the agenda. Delegations speaking to items not on the agenda will be placed near the start of the agenda.

Please note: 

  • Members of the public wishing to speak on a Development Permit with Variance, a Development Variance Permit, or a Temporary Use Permit do not need to submit a delegation request and will be afforded an opportunity to present at the time the item is being considered on the agenda and will be afforded a maximum of 5 minutes to make a verbal presentation. Visual presentations may be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. 
  • Owner(s) wishing to speak on an Unsightly Premises or a Building Bylaw Contravention do not need to submit a delegation request and will be afforded an opportunity to present at the time the item is being considered on the agenda and have no maximum time limit to provide a verbal presentation. Visual presentations may be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

Audio/visual presentations must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. It is recommended that you arrive 10 minutes in advance to check in with the recording secretary and technical support staff.

Delegations are not permitted regarding:

  • A bylaw in respect of which a public hearing has been held, where the public hearing is required under an enactment as a pre-requisite to the adoption of the bylaw

  • Matters where legal proceedings are ongoing and judgement hasn’t been rendered

  • Other delegation’s requests

  • Matters that are the subject of a claim for damages

  • Personnel matters

  • Publicly tendered contracts or proposal calls for the provision of goods, services or construction for the Regional District of Nanaimo between the time that such contract or proposal has been issued and the time such contract or proposal call has been awarded either by the Board or staff.

Please refer to the RDN's "A Guide for Delegations to the Regional District of Nanaimo Board" to learn more about delegations, formalities during meetings, format of meetings, and presentation requirements.

Please see "Regional District of Nanaimo Board Procedure Bylaw No. 1862, 2022" (Consolidated up to .01) Section 17 for additional rules on delegations.

Disclaimer: By submitting a delegation request you acknowledge and understand that the meeting at which you wish to speak is a public meeting and by speaking at these meetings you are consenting to the disclosure of any personal information made evident through your speech or presentation materials. Personal information may include your image, name, address and personal opinions. Individuals presenting to the Board are requested to respect third-party information by not disclosing others' personal information without their consent. You are also asserting that the presentation is in compliance with the Federal Copyright Act, and grant the RDN license to publish these materials.

Personal information collected through delegation requests is protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and will only be used by authorized staff for contact purposes

For additional information, or to submit a delegation request in person, mail, or by fax, please contact Legislative Services at 250-390-4111 / toll-free: 1-877-607-4111, 6300 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 6N2, fax: 250-390-4163 (if faxing please call or email to confirm).