Build a Kit
When an emergency strikes, your personal comfort and well-being is essential - assembling a Grab and Go bag will bring some peace of mind and increase your disaster resilience. Backpacks are most comfortable and, when full, should weigh no more than ¼ of the weight of the person carrying it. The bag should be of good quality and sturdy, preferably waterproof and have outer pockets for items you may need right away. You don't need to spend a fortune - go to a dollar store, camping stores, thrift shops or look online for supplies.
Once your Grab and Go bag is stocked up, check the contents every six months to update and change out expired food, water and medications and ensure you have the right size and season of clothing.
Suggested items include:
- Flashlight/radio/cell phone charger - battery, 9 volt, solar and crank varieties available
- Personal medications for one week. Ask your pharmacist about bubble packing.
- Basic first aid kit
- Personal/hygiene/toiletries items: glasses, contact products, waterless shampoo, toothbrush etc)
- Book/game - something to keep any kids busy
- Family photos
- Personal papers:
- copies of house, life, medical and car insurance
- identification
- out-of-province contacts
- list of medications, noting dosage and frequency
- daytime contact info for all family members
- pet vaccination record, list of any medications
- any safety deposit box info
- Small amount of money
- Extra keys to house, vehicles, safety deposit box
- Walking shoes
- Change of clothing and outerwear
- Bottled water 2 litres/person/day (minimum)
- Nonperishable food, can opener
- Lightweight emergency blankets
- Large garbage bags to use a rain poncho, waterproof shelter, to keep a pack dry or to capture rain water
- Whistle and map
For a complete list or more emergency preparedness information, go to Emergency Management BC or Public Safety Canada.