EA A Program Proposal

Electoral Area A Program Proposal - Recreation and Culture 

Do you have an idea for a program or workshop you'd like to offer through the RDN Recreation and Parks department in Yellowpoint, Cedar, Cassidy or South Wellington? We'd love to hear about it. 

Please complete the Electoral Area A Program Proposal Form and submit it with a detailed resume of experience. The program proposal can be submitted by email to jthorne [at] rdn.bc.ca or in person at the Cedar Heritage Centre located at 1644 MacMillan Road, Nanaimo, B.C.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit my program proposal?

There are two options to submit the form and a detailed resume:

  • Email Jessie Thorne, Recreation Coordinator at jthorne [at] rdn.bc.ca 
  • In person, 1644 MacMillan Road, Nanaimo, B.C. V9X 1L9

How do I get started?

Start by developing a clear vision for the program, including a title, objectives, a brief description and requirements for space and equipment.

We strongly recommend looking at the current Active Living Guide to see what kinds of classes we currently offer and how they are structured. Once you've got an idea, fill out the form and submit it along with your resume and copies of any relevant certificates. 

How are programs selected?

Proposals are reviewed by a Recreation Coordinator and decisions are made with a number of factors in mind including uniqueness of the program, customer interest, availability of facility space, and timing.

What is the best time to submit a proposal?

All year-round. Typically we plan our program line up six months in advance so we have time to make sure all the details are confirmed and the program appears online and in print in time for the main registration dates (March/August). 

Is there anything I can do to improve the chance of my program being selected?

We encourage you to look at the current programs being offered in Electoral Area A to get a sense of what programs are available. We do our best to avoid over-programming classes that are similar, so look for a unique angle or a gap in the programming to fill. Another suggestion is to collect a list of names of people who are interested in the program; if you have friends or colleagues that have an interest in a particular program that helps to identify a customer need.

What is a reasonable price for a program?

Program pricing varies widely depending on factors such as the length of the program, how specialized the instruction is and the type of supplies required. As a starting point, we recommend looking through our current Active Living Guide and finding a similar program to compare your proposed program with. We strive to offer affordable programs, but class fees must cover all costs.

How much do you pay instructors?

Wages vary depending on a number of factors, including the specialization of the skill, length of time or experience instructing and the program budget. The cost of the program and the instructor's wages are not finalized until after a program has been selected, so if you aren't sure just include a ballpark figure.

Do I get to choose where my program is held?

No - the Coordinator will select a space based on the requirements you have submitted and the availability of a suitable space within the area. Your suggestions are welcome and considered in the decision process.

If my program is selected, what are the next steps?

The Coordinator will be in touch to set up a meeting with you. At that time, you will discuss details of the program, your teaching experience, possible dates/times, budget, supplies and wages. You may be required to complete a Criminal Record Check at this point in the process. Keep in touch with the Coordinator and they will walk you through the process.

Still have questions? 

Please feel free to contact jthorne [at] rdn.bc.ca