Bylaw Services Frequently Asked Questions

Bylaw Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Bylaw Services



Will I have to give my name, address and phone number when I make a complaint?

Answer: Bylaw Services cannot investigate anonymous complaints. Your contact information is required to enable you to follow-up with staff about the investigation and for the RDN to contact you to obtain more information, if necessary. Click here to make a complaint.

Will my complaint be kept confidential?

Answer: Your personal information is protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPP) Act. For more information on the FOIPP Act [ Click Here ]

What is the process after I make a complaint?

Answer: You will receive an acknowledgment of your complaint, usually within 2 business days. Bylaw Enforcement staff may need to contact you for further information. You may be asked to log activities in support of the investigation.

I received a Bylaw Offence Notice. How do I pay or dispute it?

Answer: For information on the Bylaw Offence Notice, visit Bylaw Dispute Adjudication.

Where can I find bylaw information?

Answer: The RDN has many regulatory bylaws. The most commonly applied can be viewed on the Regulatory Bylaws page. Please note that the interpretation of RDN bylaws as they relate to particular situations is made by RDN staff.

Where can I find zoning or land use regulations?

Answer: Regional District of Nanaimo Zoning & Subdivision Bylaw No. 1285 applies in Electoral Area F. Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use & Subdivision Bylaw No. 2500 applies in all other areas. Click here.

How can I make a noise complaint?

Answer: There are several methods of making a complaint Click Here . Noise complaints generally require that a log be kept for a period of time by the complainant.

How do I make a noise complaint in Area F?

Answer: There is no Noise Bylaw in Electoral Area F.

Are fireworks regulated by the RDN?

Answer: The RDN does not regulate fireworks in the Electoral Areas. The Provincial Fireworks Act applies to Electoral Areas A, B, C and enforcement is the responsibility of the RCMP.

Can I burn material I have cleared off my land?

Answer: Clearing fires are not permitted in the Regional District of Nanaimo. For more information on Burning in the RDN, [ Click Here ].

Do I need a Dog License? What about Barking dogs?

Answer: For information about Animal Control and dog licenses click here.

How do I find out what Electoral Area I live in?

Answer: RDN Map is an interactive property information map, with look-up tools to help you locate addresses, roads and properties. Enter your address in the map system and your Electoral Area will appear as a single letter in the centre of the map.

Will I have to go to court if I make a complaint?

Answer: If it becomes necessary to prosecute someone for a bylaw offence or for the RDN to take civil proceedings, then it may be necessary for you to present evidence in court.

Do I need a permit to hold a special event?

Answer: In certain cases, RDN approval is necessary before you can hold a special event. Check out the Special Events Bylaw for more information.

My neighbour's yard is messy; are there property maintenance bylaws in the RDN?

Answer: The Unsightly Premises Bylaw applies to all Electoral Areas except Electoral Area F. Property owners or occupants must not allow their properties to become or remain unsightly due to the accumulation of derelict vehicles, filth, discarded materials, rubbish or graffiti. The RDN does not regulate the overgrowth of vegetation or lawns.

When can I water my lawn and garden?

Answer: Please refer to our "Water Smart" page for information on watering restrictions in your service area.