Asbestos Disposal

Asbestos Disposal

Pre-1990 many products containing Asbestos were used in construction. It can be found in vermiculite, insulations, pipe wrap and boiler insulation, cement pipe, textured ceilings, wallboard and siding, flooring (adhesives), in drywall mud/joint filler, roofing shingles, artificial fire logs, gaskets and a wide range of other materials.

If Asbestos-containing materials are in good condition and left intact, they do not pose a significant risk of releasing Asbestos fibres into the air. However, these materials are hazardous when they deteriorate of if they are disturbed (for example, when they are handled, sanded, drilled into or broken up so that they crumble). Asbestos fibres are very fine and can stay in the air for hours. Breathing in Asbestos fibres may cause serious lung problems, including lung diseases or cancer.

Homeowners and contractors need to take precautions when disturbing or handling asbestos containing materials. To protect you and your family, hire a qualified professional to identify asbestos and other hazardous materials before you renovate. Hazardous materials are identified through a Hazardous Materials Survey (HazMat Survey). Here is a list of local companies that can assist with surveys, testing and safe removal.

Disposal of Asbestos Containing Materials

Asbestos containing material is accepted by appointment at the Regional Landfill only. 

Here is what you need to know:

Before you Leave

A disposal appointment is required, contact the Regional Landfill at 250-722-2044 extension 3221.


Asbestos containing  material must be double bagged in 6 mil poly asbestos bags. Bags must be goose-neck tied and sealed with duct tape. Bags are available at safety supply stores or RDN Solid Waste Facilites ($2/bag).


  • All loads must be covered and secured in order to reduce litter on roadways. Those vehicles arriving with uncovered and/or unsecured loads will charged a $20 surcharge
  • Homeowners can transport Asbestos containing material to the landfill as long as the load is properly bagged and sealed and it weighs less than 1,000kg (multiple load volumes must not exceed this limit in a 30 day period).
  • Loads that weigh more than 1,000kg, and those transported by commercial haulers will require a waste manifest and the driver/vehicle must be licensed to haul Asbestos containing material or they will be turned away.

For more information on asbestos transport and containment requirements please visit the Ministry of Environment website:

Suspect Asbestos Containing Pre-1990 Drywall (Gypsum)

The Church Road Transfer Station, located at 860 Church Road, Parksville, does accept Drywall (Gypsum) for recycle drop off. Drywall (Gypsum), installed from 1990 or older, has been identified as a suspect Asbestos containing product. The drywall or the joint filler compounds used may contain Asbestos.

Disposal of Drywall/Gypsum at the Church Road Transfer Station

There are two methods for which drywall/gypsum can be accepted at the CRTS site, in both cases a Drywall Declaration, available at the transfer station scale, must be completed and signed:

Method 1 Visual Identifiers:

  • Drywall arriving at the CRTS site must have multiple date stamps throughout the load.
  • One date identifier is insufficient to allow for material drop off.
  • Date Stamps must be clearly legible and must be dated January 1, 1991, or newer and are located on the back of a sheet of drywall.
  • Materials date stamped December 31, 1990 or older are unacceptable without lab analysis proving no Asbestos contamination. Other acceptable identifiers include bar codes or printed web addresses. Either of these identifiers confirms the drywall's acceptability for recycling by New West Gypsum recyclers.
  • The customer is responsible to produce the acceptable identifiers to transfer station staff to verify acceptance of the drywall.

Method 2 Certified Lab Analysis:

  • If there is no date stamps, barcodes, or web addresses present, customers may seek certified lab analysis to prove the material is free from Asbestos contamination.
  • Customers may present an original copy within 30 days of the cleared lab analysis to the CRTS Scale. With staff approval customers may dispose of the Drywall/Gypsum in the Transfer Building. Drywall disposal rates will apply.
  • Unless otherwise proven through certified laboratory testing or evident from examination by trained staff, Drywall from renovations or demolitions will be considered pre-1990 and Asbestos handling procedures must be followed.
  • Customers are recommended to contact the Transfer Station Supervisor, 250-248-5254 Ext 2100 or Transfer Station scale house, 250-248-5254 Ext.2104 prior to any demolition.

WorkSafe BC

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

  • 1-800-668-2642
  • On the web site, search for "asbestos".

Health Canada

  • Phone: 1-604-666-2083
  • On the web site, look for "asbestos" and "vermiculite" in the A-Z index.