School Education

School Programs

ArrowFreshwater Connections: "Water Where We Live"

Curriculum Connected School Toolkits

We've developed "click and go" resources for Kindergarten-Grade 7 education providers to explore freshwater and its importance. These toolkits address big ideas, content and curricula competencies in the following subjects: Science, Socials, Applied Skills and Technologies, English Language Arts, Career Education, Physical and Health Education, Arts Education. The toolkits also address BC Curriculum core competencies. 

The modules combine Indigenous stories and knowledge, local references, science, culture and hands-on activities to reinforce learning. 

There are six parts (themes) explored in each toolkit, which includes:

  • PDF Presentation slides
  • Detailed teachers guide
  • Activities (Handouts)
  • Extension materials and links

Explore them with your students today!

Teachers! Have you tried the materials? We would love to hear what you think. Please provide your feedback here

K-3 Materials

K-3 Power Point Presentation

K-3 Teachers Guide- Colour

K-3 Teachers Guide- B&W

Handout- Part 1- Ocean or Freshwater Signs

Handout- Part 1- Water Scientist 

Handout- Part 2- Water Cycle Image

Handout- Part 2- Sun and Clouds Printouts

Handout- Part 2- Water on the Move Worksheet

Handout- Part 3- Watershed Discovery Images

Handout- Part 3- Watershed Maps (below)

Handout- Part 4- The Raven and the Racoon Activity

Handout- Part 5- Water Saving Messages

Handout- Part 6- Water BINGO Cards- Colour

Handout- Part 6- Water BINGO Cards -B&W

Handout- Part 6- Water BINGO Questions 

4-7 Materials



Watershed Field Trips

Watershed Field Trips will again be offered in Spring and Fall semesters, email watersmart [at] or call 250-390-6560 to book this experience for your Grade 4 or 5 class! Limited number of trips available.

Also, join Team WaterSmart on a virtual tour of the Nanaimo River Watershed!

To promote watershed education in our region, we are taking students out of the classroom and into their drinking watershed! Students will participate in various fun activities that focus on a sensory experience of the river, the forest, the reservoir, the watershed ecosystems and make important connections to their everyday life. Hop on our bus to discover the landscape that water travels through before it comes out of the tap!

This full-day trip is available to Grade 4 & 5 classes in School Districts 68 and 69, as it is designed to be strongly connected to Life & Earth Science PLOs. It includes a pre-trip and post-trip curriculum connected activity guide for teachers to extend the learning experience. Bus transportation will be provided to and from your school.

Trips run to the Englishman River (SD69) or the Nanaimo River (SD68) in May, June, September and October.

Valued partners: RDN Parks, City of Nanaimo, City of Parksville and Mosaic Forest Management

Thank you to Metro Vancouver, who originally created this program and have allowed us to adapt it for our region!

Watershed Field Trips  New Program in 2014!


Classroom Presentations

Please note all in-person classroom visits are postponed until further notice. Visit GetInvolved for access to water-related games, activities, information, and more!


Classroom Presentations

ArrowEducational Materials Lending Library

Water and watershed Educational Materials are available to Regional District of Nanaimo teachers, educators, and organizations for temporary loan to support local education initiatives and hands-on learning! We have curated a large collection of water education tools, activities, and resources to support in-class and in-field learning for elementary level teaching.

For more details and to request the loan of any of the materials outlined in our lending library, email watersmart [at] (watersmart[at]rdn[dot]bc[dot]ca) with the requested material(s), lending timeframe, and affiliated school or organization.

Contact us at watersmart [at] (watersmart[at]rdn[dot]bc[dot]ca) with any questions and register on GetInvolved to keep up to date on Team WaterSmart initiatives and events!

                                 Get Involved!

Nanaimo River Watershed Virtual Tour!

Join Team WaterSmart as they follow the incredible journey of a water droplet as it travels from the upper Nanaimo River watershed to your drinking glass! Learn about the water cycle, watersheds, forestry management, water treatment, conservation and protection in a 15-minute virtual field trip video!

Watershed Virtual Tour








Field Trips poster