During heat waves, having a place to keep cool in is essential. For those who need relief from the heat, there are several locations with cooling spaces throughout the Regional District of Nanaimo that are regularly open to the public including libraries, shopping centres and other recreational facilities. A list of some of these locations can be found here.
Find an extreme weather cooling centre
Access emergency food, emergency shelters, extreme weather centres in the Regional District of Nanaimo.
Tips on dealing with extreme heat
Avoid heat stroke and heat exhaustion
In extreme heat and high humidity, evaporation is slowed, and the body must work extra hard to maintain a normal temperature.
Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are two common conditions that can present themselves. In extreme circumstances these effects can lead to heat-related deaths.
Before extreme heat
Visit Island Health Heat Safety, HealthLink BC and the Government of Canada's extreme heat page for information on heat safety.
- Consider purchasing or servicing air-conditioners
- Install temporary window reflectors
- Provide window coverings for windows that receive direct sunlight
- Weather strip doors and sills to keep cool air in
- Listen to local weather forecasts and stay aware of upcoming temperature changes
- Know those in your neighbourhood who are elderly, young, sick or at greater risk
- They are more likely to become victims of excessive heat and may need help
- Check out the RDN Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Program
- Know how to create an emergency plan
- Build or restock your emergency grab-and-go kit
During extreme heat
- Avoid drinks with caffeine
- Stay hydrated by drinking cool beverages (preferably water), even if you do not feel thirsty
- Never leave children or pets unattended in a vehicle - temperatures can rise higher than 50 degrees Celsius
- Limit time outdoors between 10:00 and 16:00 when the heat and sun are most intense
- Stay in the shade, when outside and use sunscreen with SPF 30 or more
- Eat well-balanced, light and regular meals
- Avoid salt if possible
- Limit intake of alcoholic beverages
- Dress accordingly by wearing light coloured, loose fitting clothing that covers your skin and a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to shade your face
- Avoid demanding physical work or exercise in the heat
- If you do perform tasks that are exerting, drink plenty of extra fluids and take regular breaks
- Keep spray bottles full of cold water close by for a quick cool down
- Cool showers and misting yourself and your clothing with cool water will keep you cool
- Keep your home cool by closing shades during the day, opening windows at night and using an air conditioner if you have one
- If you don’t have air-conditioning, take shelter in the coolest room in your home and use a fan
- Blowing a fan across a pan of iced water can create a cool breeze
- Take advantage of air-conditioned buildings such as malls, library, and community centres
- Electric fans can provide comfort but when the temperature is above 37 degrees Celsius, fans will not prevent heat-related illness. Taking a cool shower or bath, or spending time in an air-conditioned place, is a much better way to cool off
After extreme heat
- Check on others, especially those suffering from heart, lung and kidney conditions
- Pay special attention to seniors, infants and pets - they face an increased risk of heat related illness
- If you find anyone suffering from heat-related illness, move them to a shady location and call for medical assistance, if required
- Signs of heat exhaustion include cool, moist, pale or flushed skin; heavy sweating; headache; nausea; dizziness; weakness; and exhaustion
- Signs of heat stroke include hot, red skin which may be dry or moist; changes in consciousness; vomiting; and high body temperature
- Move the person to a cooler place
- Remove or loosen tight clothing and apply cool, wet cloth or a towel to the skin
- Fan the person. If the person is conscious, give small amounts of cool water to drink
- Make sure the person drinks slowly
- Watch for changes in condition
- If the person refuses water, vomits or begins to lose consciousness, call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number
Get notified of an emergency in your area
Sign up for RDN's Voyent Alert! notifications. Registration for the service is free, simple and anonymous. You can choose how you would like to receive alerts, either through a mobile app, email, text message or phone call.
National alerts
Learn about Emergency Alerts and the National Public Alerting System | CRTC