Cassidy, Cedar, Yellow Point, South Wellington
Electoral Area A Official Community Plan
Bylaw No. 1620, 2011
Official Community Plan
- Bylaw 1620, 2011
- Area A Official Communtiy Plan Schedule A - Complete Text Document
- Table of Contents
- Section 1 - Definitions
- Section 2 - Introduction
- Section 3 - Vision, Principles, and Goals
- Section 4 - Protecting the Natural Environment
- Section 5 - Creating and Local Food System
- Section 6 - Creating Complete Communities<
- Section 7 - Protecting Rural Integrity and Functioning Rural Landscapes
- Section 8 - Creating a Vibrant and Sustainable Economy
- Section 9 - Supporting a Multi-modal Transportation and Mobility System
- Section 10 - Enhancing and Maintaining Park Land, Green Space, Natural Areas, Recreational Opportunities, and Culture<
- Section 11 - Institutional Uses and Improving Servicing Efficiency
- Section 12 - Development Permit Areas
- Section 13 - Cooperation Among Jurisdictions
- Section 14 - Development Amenities
- Appendix 1 to 3
OCP Maps
- Map No. 1 - Environmentally Sensitive Features and Natural Hazard Areas
- Map No. 2 - Aquifer Vulnerability
- Map No. 3 - Land Use Designations and Growth Containment Boundaries
- Map No. 4 - Parkland, Greenspace, Natural Areas, Crown Land, Institutional, Schools, and Cultural Facilities
- Map No. 5 - Water Service Planning Area<
- Map No. 6 - Community Sewer Servicing Area
- Map No. 7 - Features that Support the Economy
- Map No. 8 - Active Transportation, Mobility Options, Road Network Plan, and Sand/Gravel Pit/Rock Quarry
- Map No. 9 - Development Permit Areas for the Protection of the Natural Environment
- Map No. 10 - Development Permit Areas for he Purpose of Form and Character and Protecting Farm Land