Industry Training Opportunities

Industry Training Opportunities

Stay up-to-date with online workshops, courses, webinars, and events designed to help you learn about the best construction practices, high-performance buildings, and provincial regulations such as the Energy Step Code.

Below, we have compiled a list of available opportunities for industry training on high-performance building design and construction methods. If you want to register or need more details, get in touch directly with the training provider.

Educational Partners - Industry Training on High Performance Building Design and Construction Methods

For Builders

CPD points, on-demand learning

CPD Points, live delivery (online or in person)

  • CBHA-BC organizes an extensive training calendar – check out to see what is coming to your area, includes course offerings for new high performance builds and renovations.

Non CPD – But Useful Videos

  • LEEP Wall Assembly Videos by BCIT and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) – High performance walls (About 20-45 min each). These videos detail different approaches to building high performance walls, produced for and by builders.
  • Passive House Accelerator – Live online events and extensive YouTube Archive
    • Weekly topics ranging from Passive House 101 series to building material/component spotlights. Focus is on Passive House construction, but many topics are relevant to high performance building overall. Welcoming group of builders/designers from across North America.
  • BC Green Building Calendar – Calendar of events and training related to green building subject matter, including emissions, energy efficiency, resiliency, high-performance design, and more.
  • Township of Langley – Builders Education Forum video archive. ​​Seminar recordings on topics that specifically address key issues with building for Step Code. Might have to skip some sections to get to the main speaker.
    • Air Tightness– Township of Langley Builder Forum
      • Start at Minute 46 (video link above does that automatically)
      • Time required: 1hr 15 min, plus another 15 min of time for Q&A if you want
      • Title mentions part 3 but just as applicable to Part 9 (except costs are a lot less than mentioned)
    • Part 9 Buildings and Upper Step Code 
      • Start at Minute 32:16 (video link does this automatically)
      • Time required: 1.5 hrs
      • Goes over key changes you need to know about to build to higher steps
  • District of Saanich – Builder webinars
    • Upcoming: mid-October 2023: Using Step Code Checklists, including updates for Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code
    • On May 1, 2023, Revision 5 of the BC Building Code 2018 came into effect. Checklists have since been released to reflect the changes, which include updates to the Energy Step Code and the introduction of the Zero Carbon Step Code.
    • These free webinars will provide an overview of how to use/ review the Checklists, including typical case studies and more complex examples. We will also introduce the User Guides and provide an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback.

Local Government Education Programs

  • Township of Langley – hosts events to help builders, realtors, inspectors, and the public transition towards a world of high-performance buildings through workshops and expert presentations.
  • RDN – Maintains Green Building Series Guidebook, example projects and hosts public-oriented webinars and seminars on renovation and high-performance building.
  • Saanich – occasional webinar/seminars on specific topics
    • Upcoming mid-October 2023: Using Step Code Checklists, including updates for Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code
    • On May 1, 2023, Revision 5 of the BC Building Code 2018 came into effect. Checklists have since been released to reflect the changes, which include updates to the Energy Step Code and the introduction of the Zero Carbon Step Code.
    • These free webinars will provide an overview of how to use/ review the Checklists, including typical case studies and more complex examples. We will also introduce the User Guides and provide an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback.

Free Training

The Low Carbon Training Program for Construction Professionals provides an introduction to low-carbon building core concepts and their application to construction. The course will equip construction professionals with operation skills and knowledge to retrofit and build the low-carbon buildings. The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) will offer the program online starting in November 2023 through its partner associations in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario.

Formal Post-Secondary Programs

Usually delivered in evenings, online. Takes more time but you can meet others working on the same topics and talk to builders/designers with practical experience.

Written Resources

An extensive library of written resources on BC Energy Step Code is available through the BC Energy Step Code Site:

Incentives and Grants

Offerings for Other Professions

Free Training

For Engineers

Building Skills for Climate Change: Low Carbon Buildings Training- Climate Risk Institute and Canadian Green Building Council
Part of the Canada Green Building Council’s (CAGBC) Building Skills for Climate Change: Low-Carbon Training Program funded by the Government of Canada. A specialized low-carbon buildings training course for engineers and other practitioners in the building workforce. With the objective of increasing knowledge and awareness of low-carbon building concepts, this specialized training course will equip engineering professionals with collaborative decision-making, design, construction and operation skills and knowledge to retrofit and build the low-carbon buildings needed for a climate-safe future. 

For Building Owners and Real Estate Professionals

The Low Carbon Fundamentals Course tailored for building owners and real estate professionals across development, investment, asset management and corporate roles, will provide participants with a practical understanding of low-carbon concepts. The Real Property Association of Canada (REALPAC) will offer one in-person course from 1-4 p.m. over three days, November 7-9, 2023. This course addresses GHG accounting, asset and portfolio level standards, targets and pathways, low-carbon technologies and transition plans, reporting and 3rd party verification.

For Building Operators

Pathway to Net Zero: Decarbonization for Building Operators explores the foundations of low-carbon building operations, including understanding building performance, decarbonization concepts and strategies, the role of building operators in implementation, and relevant case studies. This course will be available online in January 2024 through the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) of Canada.

HVAC Installers

Formal training from respected trade associations

Thermal Environmental Comfort Association (TECA)

TECA's Updated Quality First™ Forced Air Guidelines course includes basic Heat Loss Heat Gain theory, appliance selection, duct layout and sizing. Appliance selection is done using a printout of "Results Pages" from an example calculated by Teca's new heat loss, heat gain software. The course covers requirements for furnaces, A/C coils, and heat pumps including a new appliance selection sheet for variable capacity Heat Pumps without auxiliary heat. Duct layout & sizing to selected equipment capacity for standard and low-pressure systems. The updated manual includes instructions for checking External Static Pressure, checking pressure drop across fittings and preferred furnace room duct configurations. A "Best Practice" installation chapter has been added and graphics have been updated including common culprit fittings found in systems. Successful participants of the 16-hour course receive a registered number on a certificate and wallet card.

28 CPD points from BC Housing

Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI)

Offers a number of training courses for and by HVAC professionals, with a focus on accurate sizing and installation approaches that help minimize call-backs and deliver customer satisfaction.